business life insurance
business life insurance

Business Life Insurance

Business Life Insurance

Running a company is a challenge. Business life insurance enables smooth operations after the death of a business owner or key employee. As an independent insurance agency, we offer many insurance companies providing key man insurance, buy sell agreement insurance, and life insurance for business owners. We also offer tools and resources for you to effectively manage your business. We not only help you plan for succession, but for success!

Business Life Insurance Quote.

Look for a sales executive in your region. If out of state, contact any.

Portrait of Sales Executive Athena Z
Insurance Advisor

Athena Zourzoukis

Portrait of sales executive Brad Edwards
Insurance Sales Lead

Brad Edwards

Photo of sales exec
Commercial & Personal Insurance Sales Executive

Daniel Dunn

Sales Executive of Robbie Minton
Insurance Advisor

Robbie Minton

Insurance Advisor

Athena Zourzoukis

Office: Asheville, NC

Insurance Sales Lead

Brad Edwards

Office: Richmond, VA

Commercial & Personal Insurance Sales Executive

Daniel Dunn

Office: Princeton, WV

Insurance Advisor

Robbie Minton

Office: Abingdon, VA

Additional Business Life Insurance Services

Executive Bonus Plans

Executive Bonus plans provide ways for employers to reward key executives by helping them fund insurance products in a cost-effective, deductible manner that presents the executive with alternatives to help meet their financial goals. Some employers create restricted access to policy values, creating a “golden handcuff” benefit to help retain key executives.

Executive Disability Insurance

Over one in four of today’s twenty-year-olds will become disabled before retirement. The largest financial asset most of us possess is our ability to earn an income. This is why it is important to safeguard it with disability income insurance. Many group disability income plans are capped and do not fully cover high wage earners. We can design a plan to help meet your business’s income protection needs.

Personal or Corporate Policy Review

The life insurance industry recently experienced a drop in investment returns, and interest rates are at historical lows. At the same time, a new generation of products is in the market which offer lower mortality charges, lower expenses, and lower cost guarantees. Let us review your existing policies today to ensure they are performing to their potential.

Long Term Care Insurance

Long term care insurance can address many wealth protection needs. Traditional long term care policies are deductible to your business and new hybrid designs create a guaranteed asset that can be used for care or passed on to the people or organizations you care about most.

Estate Preservation/Wealth Transfer

With proper planning you can protect the value of your assets from income and estate taxes. Several strategies can grow your estate and pass on a legacy to your loved ones. With an ever-changing tax code, it’s important to begin planning today.

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Key Person Insurance | Key Man Insurance

Protect against the loss of a key employee with key person insurance.

Business owners aren’t the only one whose death would hurt day-to-day operations or the business’s long-term profitability. Key person life insurance protects the business against the loss of key employees, partners, or owners. It is simple to set up and easy to implement. Examples of these key people can include:

  • Top salespeople or client drivers
  • The intellectual property employee
  • A non-profit’s “rainmaker”
  • Owners whose loss would jeopardize credit availability


Key person insurance is purchased by the employer and protects the business from financial loss resulting from the death of a key employee. It also helps creditors, employees, and shareholders remain comfortable about the business’s long-term stability. Proceeds may be used to offset financial losses as well as recruit, hire, and train a replacement.

Tax Implications

With key person insurance, the business receives death benefit proceeds free from income taxes. However, it does not receive a tax deduction for premiums paid because it has beneficial interest in the policy. Potential tax issues, such as alternative minimum tax, may arise under circumstances if the business is a “C” corporation.

Contact a key person insurance specialist →

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Buy-Sell Agreement Insurance

Is Yours Funded?

A buy-sell agreement ensures your business continues after a major event, such as a business owner’s death or disability, and can be funded using buy-sell agreement insurance. Such events often come suddenly and create a crisis. But a well-planned buy-sell agreement, properly funded, ensures the business continues – employees retain jobs and clients receive service. It maintains the benefit of years of hard work, not allowing them to go to waste. A financially secure retirement and the orderly passage of the business can be planned today, using time to your advantage, through buy-sell agreement insurance.


Unless the funds to complete the buy-sell agreement are available when needed, the agreement may not be carried out. But funding a buy-sell agreement is easier than you’d expect and begins the minute the agreement is adopted, not when a crisis arises. Buy-sell agreement insurance funds such transitions for a fraction of the cost of other means. With proper funding you can:

  • Create the resources to purchase the business slowly over time.
  • Set a fair price for the value of a business for heirs and in some instances for estate tax purposes.
  • Create liquidity for the estate of a deceased owner.
  • Minimize the disruption to the business.
  • Help provide financial stability to a disabled owner.
  • Aid in a smooth transition as owners enter retirement years.
  • Fund the Agreement in an efficient manner.

Contact a buy-sell agreement insurance specialist.

Contact a buy-sell agreement insurance specialist →

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Business Life Insurance Policy Review

You owe it to your business to review your current policies.

If you are like many companies, you purchased life insurance for your business’s benefit and then never gave it much thought afterward. But these business life insurance policies are important financial assets, whether they cover key employees, fund a buy-sell agreement, or act as a deferred compensation plan. Periodically review your policies to ensure they are providing the best value for your dollar.

  1. Lower Premiums
    Business life insurance is one of the few products that has decreased in price over the past decade. It is common for healthy individuals to purchase new policies for less than what they are paying currently. Only by reviewing your policies with a professional business life insurance agent will you know for certain.
  2. Cash-Value-Based Life Insurance
    Policies with the potential for cash value accumulation are referred to as permanent life insurance. There are various other names for these policies such a whole life, universal life, variable universal life, etc. Based upon assumptions input to generate each business life insurance policy’s original cash value illustration, it is wise to have an updated policy illustration created and analyzed by a life insurance professional to determine if it is performing as anticipated.
  3. Tips From Business Life Insurance Agents
    There is more to the purchase of lifelong protection and security than buying a policy and never reviewing it. Let us review your current business life insurance policies to check if:
    They are competitively priced.
    2. They comply with new tax laws.
    3. They are doing exactly what you expected when originally purchased.
    4. They match current business needs.

Ensure your policies are performing the way you intend. Contact a business life insurance specialist today.

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Why Bankers Insurance?

Anyone can be an order-taker. Bankers Insurance is different.

We don’t expect clients to be business life insurance experts. Take advantage of our experience. We can explain options and help you determine coverage that suits your needs.

As your insurance agent, we strive to know you. Only then can we suggest coverage that fits your specific business. We look for coverage gaps and offer protection. With us, you get the benefit of:

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